Christ Exalted Seminary is accredited by Transworld Accrediting Commission International. Transworld Accrediting Commission is an international, non-governmental, educational accrediting body, federally recognized as a non-profit church organization. Transworld accredits and assists Theological Schools, Seminaries, Universities, Colleges and Programs throughout the world. Charisma magazine recognizes some of the institutions accredited by Transworld Accrediting Commission as some of the top church ministries and Bible educators in America.
Information concerning TAC may be found on their website:
Christ Exalted Seminary stands with its peers to recognize the value of non-governmental accreditation and keeping the government out of the church and out of Christian education. At Christ Exalted Seminary we have seen that some governmentally recognized and accredited Christian educational institutions are being forced to tolerate and accept un-godly beliefs amongst faculty members and students in the name of non-discrimination laws. Accreditation by Transworld Accrediting Commission, a Church-based accrediting body, brings us under God’s authority and holds us accountable only to Him. It exempts us from the control of godless authorities.