Q. Will CES accept credits earned for previous college level courses taken?
A. CES will review transcripts of your previous college level courses and evaluate them for transfer credit. Be sure to request consideration of prior course work on your Application. Admissions will require a copy of your transcript; a detailed description of the course as published by the prior institution and any other information CES believes will be beneficial in determining the equivalent CES course. Keep in mind that CES’s curriculum is a study of the Bible. At CES we study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We do not offer topical courses, rather we cover biblical topics within the study of each book of the Bible.
Q. Will CES award me credit for my years of experience in Christian ministry?
A. Yes. CES will review your ministerial background. Be sure to request consideration of your previous experience on your application. Admissions will require a copy of your resume and a list of references able to corroborate your experience. Keep in mind that CES’s curriculum is a study of the Bible. At CES we study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Information submitted should demonstrate your knowledge of the Bible and the Christian faith.
Q. Does CES offer student loans?
A. No, CES does not offer student loans. But, we have made our tuition extremely affordable so that "financial aid" is available to every student who desires to attend Christ Exalted Seminary. And, CES does offer students the ability to pay their tuition in monthly installments.